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13. Kramer’s Character Was Distractingly Popular

Michael Richards killed it as Kramer, but people loved him so much that the live audience sometimes wouldn’t stop clapping for him. They literally had to ask people to reel it in because it was messing up the flow of the scenes.


14. Festivus Is Real

Well sort of. Festivus is real is the sense that the writer Dan O’Keefe’s dad made it up and actually celebrated it, but in honor of the first date he went on with his wife. Aww. It even involved a pole. “There was a pole, and an airing of grievances for sure. […] A lot of times, the stories of real life are still better than sitting there and manufacturing stories.”


15. The Junior Mint Was Originally Popcorn

In the episode where Kramer eats Junior Mints while watching a surgery, and accidentally knocks one into the patient’s open body…it was originally supposed to be popcorn. Said Andy Robin: “I was on the phone with my brother, running the story by him, and he said, ‘No, make it Junior Mints because it’s funnier.’” We have to agree.

junior mint seinfeld

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