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7. Gavin Volure

Everybody wanted to be Gavin Volure. Then, the man developed a severe agoraphobia, withdrawing to his palatial mansion to host only rare dinner parties. Oh wait, all that is BS and his whole reputation is fraudulent and he’s being held in a mansion that he shares with five other white collar criminals. The best part, though, is when Volure escapes custody and runs to the set to try and woo Liz.

Gavin Volure

8. Hot Box With Avery Jessup

Okay, so they don’t end up together, but Avery was always Jack’s best lady, from the moment the two met on the set of her political talk show, Hot Box with Avery Jessup (pun intended). Elizabeth Banks’ whip smart delivery played off Jack’s decisive stoicism perfectly. It’s just too bad for the poor liberal they brought in that same day. “Just sit a couple out, Stein, gah.”

Avery Jessup

9. Matt Damon Goes Full Bourne

After almost a season dating, Liz Lemon and her pilot boyfriend Carol — played by Matt Damon — end up stuck on a runway on their way to Nagshead. As tensions rise between the passengers (who are getting hot and hungry) and the crew (who are just as stuck as the passengers), the relationship comes to a head as Liz refuses to admit she’s capable of error. The whole disaster spikes when Damon pulls a gun.

I will waste you!

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