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Synchronized swimming is a beautiful, graceful, elegant sport…most of the time. It’s also challenging, complicated and can twist its athletes into some compromising positions and odd facial contortions as fans watch on. Those glitzy themed swimsuits, that over-the-top waterproof makeup, those pasted on smiles, that gasping for air, and those goofy nose plugs don’t help matters much. While there’s an attempt at glamor, these serious athletes really work it to combine artistic flair with impeccable precision and some seemingly impossible waterlogged maneuvers. We respect synchro swimmers’ prowess; we really do. But it’s just so easy to make fun of some their awkward moments. Here are some hilarious examples of synchronized swimmers caught in a freeze frame at the worst possible moment.

1. This synchronized swimmer has clearly taken offense to the state of her teammate’s foot.

Or is that her own foot? Hard to tell with these bizarrely flexible people.

synchronized swimmers

2. This synchronized swimmer appears to be walking on water, which probably feels as good as it looks.

Seriously though, what is happening here?

synchronized swimmers

3. How could you not rethink your sporting choices after getting snapped in this pose?

The exposed pelvic region pose plus the skeleton bathing suits is a bit of a head-scratcher.

synchronized swimmers

4. This synchronized swimmer looks terrified of her hand, but perhaps she’s actually holding a mirror under there and she got a first look at that outfit.

synchro swimmer

5. This synchronized swimmer is really hoping she doesn’t mess this up for the rest of the group.

Just imagine what went down during practice time.

synchronized swimming

6. These girls on look like they’re actually gaining strength from their swimsuits. Perhaps all that shiny metal is soaking up the sun’s energy.

synchronized swimmers

7. These synchronized swimmers look like they’re fighting for their life, gasping for dense air.

It probably doesn’t help that they have to wear those nose clamps all the time.

synchro swimmers gasping

8. These ladies are probably thinking “I can’t believe we pulled this off,” because that’s what everyone else is thinking.

synchronized swimmers

9. Here we have a synchronized swimmer who probably wishes that her entire butt wasn’t on display.

Talk about a wedgie!

synchronized swimmers

10. These women are probably glad that they didn’t eat right before the performance, since balancing the entire body weight on a foot might not be the best pairing with a full stomach.

Or maybe they’re perfecting a new twist on the Heimlich maneuver.

synchronized swimmers

11. Desperately hoping that this move sticks to plan and that someone doesn’t end up without a swimsuit on their back. (Or front.)

They’re just asking for a wardrobe malfunction.

synchronized swimmers

12. Hoping that no one peed in the pool before they became human fountains.

synchronized swimmers

13. It’s not totally clear what’s happening here but whatever it is, it doesn’t look comfortable.

synchronized swimmers

14. This move is also the move that evil villains make right before they peel off their fake faces and reveal their real identity that lurks beneath.

synchro swimmer

15. These girls in the front are like “what am I doing with my life.”

synchronized swimmers

16. This synchro swimmer has been waiting for this glorious moment her entire life.

And she doesn’t care who she has to walk on to savor her moment.

synchronized swimmers

17. This is also the move that she made this morning when her alarm clock went off for practice.

synchronized swimming

18. And this synchronized swimmer right here looks nothing but genuinely thrilled to be in the pool performing like a mermaid.

synchronized swimmers

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