Twitter Weighs in on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Holiday Plans


With more than a week left to go in 2017, Donald Trump has decided to call it quits and head out for the holidays, taking refuge in his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago. Not surprisingly, the denizens of Twitter found it hard to move past the fact that while the rest of us still have a few hard hours of work, the leader of the free world is probably strapping on his golf pants.

Of course, he didn’t take off without signing a controversial tax bill into law.

Fun fact: Donald Trump has spent 20 percent of his administration on the golf course? Wait, that’s not funny? Then wait till you find out how much it cost.

Trump has no plans to leave Mar-a-Lago that we’re aware of until after the new year. Of course, some people on Twitter felt that the president deserved the break.

At the end of a controversial year, the president is heading back to his infamous resort amid his typical firestorm of conflict. Some Republicans believe that a booming economy speaks for itself while most Democrats worry about the future of the country.

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