Matthew McConaughey Discusses Those Lincoln Car Commercials

matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey is featured on the cover of the latest Esquire magazine, and the star opened up his career in the interview portion inside. Notably, he had some strong thoughts about the Lincoln car commercials that he does and the negative opinions that some people seem to have about them.

To some people, choosing to do commercials cheapens the casting choices of an Oscar winning actor, but Matthew does not see it that way at all.

“F–k that. Because I’m going to. And I like ’em. And they pay well. And they allow me to go and do these other little movies for a lot less.”

He went on to explain that he’s always felt like a bit of an outsider in a certain sense, but that he also embraces it.

“I didn’t grow up acting. I don’t enjoy thespian, Hamlet-ian talks. I was the first frat boy in the University of Texas film school who wore button-down denim shirts, boots, and a buckle when all the Gothic artists were all in black. I went to see the big Hollywood pictures at the cineplex that everyone else in film class shat on. For a while I thought maybe you really do need to wear all black and stay out of the sunlight and only see independent films to be an artist. I still have moments with acting where I’m like, I’m getting away with it. Winning the Oscar was validation, the respect of my peers.”

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