Gabourey Sidibe Discusses Massive Weight Loss

Gabourey Sidibe

Empire star Gabourey Sidibe has opened up about the massive weight loss that she’s experienced lately following a weight loss surgery that she had a year ago. The actress has kept the surgery a secret until now.

In May, Gabourey was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and that was enough to send her life in a new direction. She shared details about the decision in her book This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare.

“I truly didn’t want to worry about all the effects that go along with diabetes. I genuinely [would] worry all the time about losing my toes. My surgeon said they’d cut my stomach in half. This would limit my hunger and capacity to eat. My brain chemistry would change and I’d want to eat healthier. I’ll take it! My lifelong relationship with food had to change.”

In the book Gabby also detailed the struggles that she’s had with bulimia, depression, and anxiety.

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