Don’t Lose Sight of Jon Bernthal’s Gun Rights Message Amid Alt-Right Rage


After telling Esquire that the alt-right fans who sport the Punisher’s logo while protesting progressiveness can go ahead and knock right off, Jon Bernthal is currently experiencing his fair share of criticism. Unfortunately, that furor is obfuscating the thoughtful, even-handed message coming from the star of Netflix’s The Punisher.

While people stay focused on Bernthal’s hatred for aggressive members of the alt-right, it was the star’s comments regarding gun control that stood out. In direct opposition to the conservative fear that “gun control” means taking away weaponry from private citizens, Bernthal explained his belief that more responsibility for gun owners didn’t mean fewer rights.

“I’m a gun owner. I have a gun in my house to keep my family safe. I’m trained in that gun’s use,” Bernthal told Esquire. “I know how to keep it away from my kids, and I know how to use it if I need to. Should there be a way that a guy with mental issues like the [a-hole] in Texas can’t get guns? Absolutely. We have to have a dialogue, and that’s not happening.”

Sure, when questioned about his fans in the alt-right Bernthal just said, “F-ck ‘em,” and of course a star insulting some pricks is fun inflammatory content. However, it would be a shame to see Bernthal’s call for an ongoing and honest conversation about gun control overlooked in favor of printing everyone’s favorite four-letter word.

After all, hating on the alt-right is nothing new or particularly innovative, but a proud gun owner calling for reform is something worth talking mentioning.

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