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5. Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress raised some eyebrows recently when she promoted a peculiar practice on her lifestyle site, Goop. She recommended that women steam bath their private parts as a sort of vaginal sauna cleanse. She called it “an energetic release – not just a steam douche – that balances female hormone levels.” However, most medical doctors discourage any kind of douching, as it can disturb the natural flora of the feminine reproductive system. It may even lead to urinary tract infections and the overgrowth of yeast. Gwyneth also stirred controversy when a Goop post claimed tight bras and underwires could lead to breast cancer. This is not what the American Cancer Society says, and they’re probably the better authority. Get your $90 T-shirts, organic recipes and bespoke decorating tips from Gwyneth, but give some of her questionable health and wellness sharing a second thought.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Andrea Raffin /

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