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9. R. Kelly

After a July 1996 brawl at a Louisiana health club involving Kelly and his entourage, the R&B singer was placed on a year’s unsupervised probation after being found guilty of battery. One of the victims in the fight needed 110 facial stitches! The 48-year-old record producer has also had more than one run-in with underage girls. In 1996, R. Kelly was sued by then 20 year-old Tiffany Hawkins for having sexual relations with her when she was 15 and he was 24. The claim was for $10 million but the lawsuit was reportedly settled out of court for $250,000. In June 2002, Kelly was indicted in Chicago on 21 counts of child pornography after the Chicago Sun-Times found a video reportedly depicting Kelly engaging in sex with and urinating on an underage girl. After a search of his Florida home, officers recovered twelve images of an alleged underage girl (the same girl from the sex tape) on a digital camera. The charges of child pornography were dropped due to a lack of probable cause for the search warrants.

r kelly
r. kelly
Helga Esteb /

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