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Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few days, you’ve heard about the #KylieJennerLipChallenge. Millions of young people around the world are shamelessly trying to mimic Kylie’s perfect pout. But, few have actually attained her puckered look. These are nine times Kylie Jenner’s lip liner made young girls do this…

1. Kylie’s Thinking, “Nice Try”

This young girl is clearly able to mimic Kylie’s “I don’t give a f**k attitude”. But she still looks like a puffer fish and Ms. Jenner is not having it.

2. Mother Always Said, “Beauty Is Pain”

This poor girl looks way too young to be subjecting herself painful beauty regimens. I mean, we can see the tears in her eyes.

3. Kylie’s Clearly Not Impressed

Kylie’s just standing there thinking, well at least you tried. We’re just wondering if this girl can even speak?

4. What’d She Order, Fish Filet?

We thought Kanye’s lyrics were appropriate for this lip challenge fail. Kylie clearly has no words for this attempt.

5. Kylie’s Side Eye Is Everything

Did this girl fall asleep with the shot glass glued to her face? This pout looks painful and wrong in so many ways.

6. I Mustache You a Question, “Was It Worth It?”

Was it? We highly doubt it. But, we have to admit this girl’s rocking a goatee better than Ryan Gosling can.

7. Kylie’s Like, “Oh Hell No Girl, That’s Not It”

This picture just churns our stomachs. Did she not notice the bottle was on for too long? C’mon, it shattered on her face!

8. Just, #FAIL

One of the side effects of the #KylieJennerLipChallenge is burst blood vessels. This girl is clearly going to be bruised for days.

kylie jenners lip liner

9. “They Won’t Go Down!”

These lips are just out of control! We really have no comments for this picture, except we hope you learned your lesson.

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