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1. Nichelle Nichols

The original science fiction sex symbol and one half of TV’s first interracial kiss (the other half was some dude who’d hit on anything in a skirt), Nichols was a core member of the original Star Trek crew playing vital communications officer Lieutenant Uhuru. She actually wanted to quit the show after its first season, until she spoke with a fellow by the name of Martin Luther King, Jr. King commended Nichols for her role, saying that it was representative of where we were headed as a species. When she told MLK that she was leaving the show, he was distraught. Star Trek was one of the rare shows his children were allowed to watch. He told her, “[Don’t] you understand for the first time, we’re seen as we should be seen. You don’t have a black role. You have an equal role.” Also, she looked super hot in a miniskirt, which should never be discounted.

Nichell Nichols

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