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The PR nightmare of Nov. 24th’s communications breach continues to create waves after Sony employees’ personal emails were leaked online. Several executives were caught trash talking some of our favorite celebs and the company stands to lose big bucks from the fall-out. Want to know what the 9 juiciest leaks from the Sony hacking scandal are? Read on and find out which A-list celebrity was dissed as a “spoiled brat”.

1. The Interview has been Canceled

Rumor has it the reason behind the Sony cyberhack is a North Korean protest of the film The Interview. The dark comedy stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as bumbling journalists recruited to kill the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un. It was slated for a big release on Dec. 25, but unsubstantiated 9/11 style terrorist threats have been made, resulting in the controversial film being pulled from release (for now). The New York premier has been cancelled and many major theater chains and independent screens have decided not to show it – a move that will cost Sony millions. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has said that “there is no credible intelligence to indicate an active plot against movie theaters within the United States,” but nobody wants to risk public safety. Many prominent Hollywood figures are speaking out about this infringement on artistic freedom.

celebrities who dropped out of school
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