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Synchronized swimming is a beautiful, graceful, elegant sport…most of the time. It’s also challenging, complicated and can twist its athletes into some compromising positions and odd facial contortions as fans watch on. Those glitzy themed swimsuits, that over-the-top waterproof makeup, those pasted on smiles, that gasping for air, and those goofy nose plugs don’t help matters much. While there’s an attempt at glamor, these serious athletes really work it to combine artistic flair with impeccable precision and some seemingly impossible waterlogged maneuvers. We respect synchro swimmers’ prowess; we really do. But it’s just so easy to make fun of some their awkward moments. Here are some hilarious examples of synchronized swimmers caught in a freeze frame at the worst possible moment.

1. This synchronized swimmer has clearly taken offense to the state of her teammate’s foot.

Or is that her own foot? Hard to tell with these bizarrely flexible people.

synchronized swimmers

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