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9. Stephanie Courtney- Progressive Insurance’s Flo

Love or loathe the perky Progressive lady, you have to admit, she gets under your skin to the point of being unforgettable – and that’s the point of advertising. Since 2007, comedienne Stephanie Courtney has played the iconic Flo, Progressive’s answer to the GEICO gecko, appearing in over 100 commercials for the insurance company (some plot lines quirkier than others). The overly-enthusiastic character has taken on a life of its own, and Flo has quite the active fan base on social media. Despite her popularity, Courtney says she rarely gets recognized on the street without the thick retro makeup, blue headband and crisp white apron. You may also recognize her as Marge on Man Men and a few other bit roles on TV.

progressive flo
stephanie courtney
Helga Esteb -

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